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Mamba is a reimplementation of the conda package manager in C++.
- parallel downloading of repository data and package files using multi-threading
- libsolv for much faster dependency solving, a state of the art library used in the RPM package manager of Red Hat, Fedora and OpenSUSE
- core parts of mamba are implemented in C++ for maximum efficiency
At the same time, mamba utilize the same command line parser, package installation and deinstallation code and transaction verification routines as conda to stay as compatible as possible.
Website Documentationmicromamba
micromamba is a tiny version of the mamba package manager. It is a pure C++ package with a separate command line interface. It can be used to bootstrap environments (as an alternative to miniconda), but it’s currently experimental. The benefit is that it’s very tiny and does not come with a default version of Python.
micromamba works in the bash & zsh shell on Linux & OS X. It’s completely statically linked, which allows you to drop it in some place and just execute it.
Website Documentationpip
pip is the package installer for Python. You can use it to install packages from the Python Package Index and other indexes.
Website Documentationpoetry
Poetry helps you declare, manage and install dependencies of Python projects, ensuring you have the right stack everywhere.
Website Documentationflit
Flit is a simple way to put Python packages and modules on PyPI. It tries to require less thought about packaging and help you avoid common mistakes.
Website Documentationconda-devenv
The de facto tool to create conda packages. It creates environments to isolate build-times dependencies and performs checks after compilation to ensure relocatability and correct runtime dependencies.
Website Documentationboa
boa is a package builder for conda packages. It is re-using a lot of the conda-build infrastructure, but replaces some parts. Specifically the solving stage is done using mamba, the fast conda-alternative (implemented in C++ and based on libsolv).
Website DocumentationA drop-in replacement for conda-build provided by Boa. It relies on conda-build for most parts,
but replaces the solver and the error reports. It provides the conda mambabuild
Meson is an open source build system meant to be both extremely fast, and, even more importantly, as user friendly as possible. It can produce Python wheels through the mesonpep517 package.
Website Documentationmesonpep517
It invokes the PEP 517 hooks to build a distribution package. It is a simple build tool and does not perform any dependency management.
Website Documentationscikit-build
Improved build system generator for CPython C/C++/Fortran/Cython extensions. The scikit-build package is fundamentally just glue between the setuptools Python module and CMake.
Website Documentationsetuptools
Setuptools is a collection of enhancements to the Python distutils library to easily build and distribute Python packages.
Website Documentationdistutils
The distutils package in the standard library provides support for building and installing additional modules into a Python installation. Most Python users will not want to use this module directly, but enhanced alternatives like setuptools.
Website Documentationnumpy.distutils
This Numpy subpackage provides enhanced distutils functionality to make it easier to build and install sub-packages, auto-generate code, and extension modules that use Fortran-compiled libraries.
Website Documentationconstructor
Constructor is a tool which allows constructing an installer for a collection of conda packages. It solves needed packages using user-provided specifications, and bundles those packages.
Website Documentationpex
pex is a library for generating .pex (Python EXecutable) files which are executable Python environments in the spirit of virtualenvs. pex is an expansion upon the ideas outlined in PEP 441.
Website Documentationshiv
shiv is a command line utility for building fully self contained Python zipapps as outlined in PEP 441, but with all their dependencies included.
Website Documentationpyinstaller
PyInstaller freezes (packages) Python applications into stand-alone executables, under Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris and AIX.
Website Documentationconda-pack
conda-pack is a command line tool for creating relocatable archives of conda environments that can be installed on other systems and locations.
Website Documentationconda-docker
The core philosophy of conda-store is to serve identical conda environments in as many ways as possible. Conda Store controls the environment lifecycle: management, builds, and serving of environments.
Website Documentationanaconda-client
This is a command line client that provides an interface to Anaconda Cloud. Primarily used to upload packages to channels.
Website Documentationtwine
A utility for publishing Python packages on PyPI. It provides build system independent uploads of source and binary distribution artifacts for both new and existing projects.
Website Documentationzest.releaser
Zest Software
zest.releaser is collection of command-line programs to help you automate the task of releasing a Python project. It updates the version number, populates the changelog, creates the tags and, optionally, publishes to PyPI.
Website Documentationsetuptools_scm
setuptools_scm handles managing your Python package versions in SCM metadata instead of declaring them as the version argument or in a SCM managed file.
Website Documentationversioneer
Brian Warner
This is a tool for managing a recorded version number in distutils-based python projects. The goal is to remove the tedious and error-prone “update the embedded version string” step from your release process. Making a new release should be as easy as recording a new tag in your version-control system, and maybe making new tarballs.
Website Documentationconda-smithy
conda-smithy is a tool for combining a conda recipe with configurations to build using freely hosted CI services into a single repository, also known as a feedstock.
Website Documentationconda-forge-ci-setup
A package installed by conda-forge each time a build is run on CI. It normalizes the system settings found on different CI providers for a consistent build configuration across platforms.
Website Documentationconda-forge-pinning
The baseline versions of software for the conda-forge ecosystem, essential to maintain ABI compatibility across the channel.
Website Documentationcibuildwheel
Matthew Brett
Machinery for building and testing Python Wheels for Linux, OSX and (less flexibly) Windows.
Website Documentationconda-skeleton
The conda-skeleton command picks up the PyPI package metadata and prepares an equivalent conda-build recipe you can use to build a conda package.
Website Documentationconda-package-handling
The Grayskull project was created with the intention to eventually replace the conda skeleton. The main goal of this project is to generate concise recipes for conda-forge.
Website Documentationconda-press
Press conda packages into wheels. Is allows us to build out a pip-usable package index which is ABI compatible with conda packages.
Website Documentationconda-verify
conda-verify is a tool for (passively) verifying conda recipes and conda packages. The purpose of this verification process is to ensure that recipes don’t contain obvious bugs.
Website Documentationconda-content-trust
a command line tool to facilitate the creation of Python wheel packages for Linux (containing pre-compiled binary extensions) that are compatible with a wide variety of Linux distributions
Website Documentationpip-check
Matthew Brett
John T. Wodder II
Check the contents of your wheel. It will notify you of several common errors & mistakes that can be detected.
Website Documentationmachomachomangler
Nathaniel J. Smith
This is a little library for mangling Mach-O and PE files in various ways. These are the formats used for executables and shared libraries on MacOS and Windows, respectively.
Website Documentationpatchelf
Quarks Lab
The purpose of this project is to provide a cross platform library which can parse, modify and abstract ELF, PE and MachO formats.
Website Documentationvirtualenv
virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments. Since Python 3.3, a subset of it has been integrated into the standard library under the venv module.
Website Documentationvenv
The venv module in the standard library provides support for creating lightweight virtual environments with their own site directories, optionally isolated from system site directories.
Website Documentationvirtualenvwrapper
virtualenvwrapper is a set of extensions to Ian Bicking’s virtualenv tool. The extensions include wrappers for creating and deleting virtual environments and otherwise managing your development workflow.
Website Documentationpew
Python Env Wrapper is a set of commands to manage multiple virtual environments. Pew can create, delete and copy your environments, using a single command to switch to them wherever you are, while keeping them in a single (configurable) location.
Website Documentationconda-env
Conda/Mamba/Micromamba are able to handle their own virtual environments through ‘conda env’. They are not compatible with virtualenv-type environments, but they serve the same purpose.
Website Documentationconda-index
Update package index metadata files (channeldata.json, repodata.json) in directories containing conda packages.
Website Documentationconda-mirror
The quetz project is an open source server for conda packages. It reimplements functionalities with an API-first approach.
Website Documentationwarehouse
pypiserver is a minimal PyPI compatible server for pip or easy_install. It is based on bottle and serves packages from regular directories.
Website Documentationensurepip
The ensurepip standard library package provides support for bootstrapping the pip installer into an existing Python installation or virtual environment.
Website Documentationensureconda
Ensureconda is a CLI tool that will find a preexisting conda/mamba executable, install one if none was found, and return the path of the found/installed location.
Website Documentationcondacolab
A Python package to install Conda (and friends) on live Google Colab instances.
Website Documentationsetup-miniconda
An action to enable the preinstalled Miniconda or download and install Miniconda/Miniforge/Mambaforge on Github Actions workflows.
Website Documentationprovision-with-micromamba
The Mamba Navigator, a Web UI for managing conda environments. Provides Conda/Mamba environment and package management as a standalone application or as extension for JupyterLab.
Website Documentationvscode-micromamba
Provides a convenient way to install developer tools in VSCode workspaces from conda-forge with micromamba. Get NodeJS, Go, Rust, Python or JupyterLab installed by running a single command.
Website Documentation